Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Here's a poem I wrote about Greek gods that live (supposedly) on Mount Olympus. I've been learning a lot about them this year. I included their Roman and Greek names.

Jupitor, great Jupiter!
The great god Zeus!
Mighty and proud
Lets his thunderbolts loose.

Juno his wife, and therefore the queen,
A peacock her pet,
A sceptor in hand;
Hera's the best, you might bet.*

Neptune, great Jupitor's brother
Poseidon, god of the sea,
Rides in a chariot drawn by seahorses;
Marvelous is he!

Vulcan the lame blacksmith,
His forge is in a mountain cave.
Haphaestus, the god of fire
To Minerva, her life he gave.

Apollo, the most beautiful god;
Every day he drives his sun chariot east to west.
Apollo is the god of sun, song and music.
I'm sure if you could you would greet him with zest.

Goddess Diana, or in other words Artemis,
A virgin is she.
Goddess of the moon, and also of hunting.
Apollo; her twin brother is he.

Mars the terrible,
The god of war;
Ares is only happy
To see people made poor.

Mercury, messenger of the gods
Mends quarrels with his magic wand.
Hermes flies about with winged sandals and cap;
Of him you've got to be fond!

Minerva is the goddess of wisdom.
She was born in a way very strange;
With a pound on a head, out of Zeus' brain she appeared!
Athene's knowledge has a very extensive range.

Venus, the most beautiful goddess,
Goddess of beauty and love.
Aphrodite, so beautiful
Also dwells on Mount Olympus above.

Ceres, the goddes of agriculture and the farmer,
Also marriage and fertility is she goddess of.
Her other name is Demeter;
That name you must love.

Vesta, goddess of home,
Looks out for the family.
Also goddess of hearth,
She is our twelfth and last god of the Olmpian family.

But there remains yet another important god...

Pluto, great Jupitor's brother
rules the underground world.
God of the dead,
Great Pluto remains in the underground world.

And so, my story comes to an end.

* I personally don't like Juno, or Hera very much, but I had to find something that rhymed :)

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