Sunday, January 15, 2012


Today Mom helped me with seeds: I showed her which ones I wanted and she found the best place to get them, eg. E & R is at least 75 cents a packet cheaper than Seed Savers.

I'm planning on ordering lots of flowers. I hope we'll find room for them all!

In our big veggie garden we plant things like potatoes, tomatoes and other basic vegetables and plants. Sometimes we grow a little corn, too. We use our tractor for tilling big patches of bare ground and our little garden tiller for between isles. We usually work for an hour or so and then go swimming :-)

Avery worked for Grandpa full time last year and I did part time. Hopefully I can work full time this year. Here's a summary of what it's like:
Wet mornings, hard work, soaked clothes, sometimes hot afternoons and itchy pollen and a really good time with cousins/friends, as well as an occasional watermelon...or to be more accurate, an occational few watermelons.
Early in the year in June and July we weed fields, which is 35 acres, then later we pick corn and gourds and squash and weed the biggest weeds out. The very last thing we harvest is pumpkins, which is about the easiest thing since one isn't hurrying to keep ahead of the tractor too much.
The more experienced people get to sell the produce all day. I hope to do that someday, too. One starts out as a seller's assitant, helping an experienced seller.
Working for Grandpa is hard work, but it has lots of good things to it. If we're hungry we can just pick up an ear of corn from the load while we're riding on the trailor to or from the fields.

Today I played hockey hard with some cousins, uncle and friends. I don't even know who won; we weren't keeping track of scores. It was really fun.

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