Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Here's a bit about what I've been studying this year.
I read about Egypt for about a month. I thought it was pretty cool how they dug canals so that when the Nile flooded it would fill them up and when it dried up the canals would have plenty of water to water the fields. One of my readers that I enjoyed that took place in Egypt was 'The Golden Goblet'.
After Egypt I studied Greece. All their myths and gods really fascinated me. If some of their temples were still standing it would be interesting to visit there. A book of myths that I enjoyed was 'De'aulaires Book of Greek Myths'.
Currently I am studying Rome, and am learning a lot. Right now for history I have been reading about Augustus Ceaser, although I'm not enjoying that
too much; too much war and want for revenge and power.
Some readers that take place in Rome that I have been enjoying are 'The Mystery of the Roman Ransom', sequel to 'Detectives in Togas' as well as 'the Eagle of the Ninth'.
Besides history I have been studying zoology. My zoology book is called 'Land Animals of the Fifth Day' by Jeanne Fulbright. I've actually read her series for science for 3 years. I like them.
I do Easy Grammar grade 6 and Spencerian handwriting (although I'm not too diligent about handwriting).
Avery and I are on our own a lot with school. Mom helps us if we need. Bennet and Laurel need the most help, though.
Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to go to school. It seems like it would be a lot more formal without your mom being your teacher.
I love our activities with other homeschoolers. Every other Thursday we go to the Y for either swimming or gym lessons. We pay $20 a year! We just do it in the winter. I like the gym lessons best. Last time we did basketball. I made a kind of stupid mistake (though I imagine I will be able to laugh at it in a year). I actually ran all the way to the other side of the gymnasium with the ball without dribbling it! Go ahead, laugh :-)
Those are the main activities, but we do have a fall kickoff every year.

These are some of the goats by their rocking toy

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